Friday, September 7, 2012

Vous etes mon coeur.

Simplistic words within our lives can have such a deeper meaning. Whether they become our philosophy or encouragement, the power of words can lead us through our darkest and greatest moments of life.

Vous etes mon coeur. From the tongue, the words are romantic and beautiful. Language may differentiate us, but the realization of their powerful impact on our fellow brothers and sisters ignites a desire in us to learn about other cultures and unravel words that are only an enigma to us. When we translate, our hearts suddenly realize that those words aren't as simplistic as we thought. Enigmatic they may be at first, but if we dig a little deeper, we will find the truest meaning of all.

You are my heart. Now translated, we realize there could be endless meanings. While language differentiates us, we can come to realization that we all share a common love. Our hearts, our love, our mission, our words create life. Are they simplistic? No. But what we do with them can turn something enigmatic into something beautiful.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beautiful Dream.

As I approach my last few months of highschool, I reminisce on this past year and believe it to be only a beautiful dream. It seems surreal that the comfort of home will soon vanish as I will move away to an alienated place called college. When I try to envision myself graduating in less than 6 weeks, I can't because it seems as though time has beat me. With my two hazel eyes, I see time taunting me. I begin to reflect on my highschool life and begin to wish that I could stop the clock of life and live in a pure timeless month of accompishing everything I had envisioned for myself. However, this task is unrealistic.
With everything I have, I will make these last six weeks of highschool more than just a beautiful dream. The clock is ticking and the memories to come are endless.
While I am both frightened and excited for the future, I am reminding myself that this last month and a half is time that I will never be able to travel back to.
Here is to the laughter, tears, late night studying, and joy that will become all but a dream.

Window of Thought

There are days when I stare out the window and I am not aware of it.
Looking out into the busy street, the eyes do not see.
If someone I knew walked by and waved, I would not know.
The window serves as a home to thought. My mind wanders, my feet do not.
I am left here to ponder the days ahead of me.
The mundane earth seems detached from my fingertips.
As I gaze into nothingness, there is no stream of consciousness.
Instead, I seek the pureness of solitude and disconnection from the entire world.
My mind wanders, my feet do not.
The window I stare out separates me from a charismatic life.
Inside my window of thought, my mind is lost.
I want to be free but it is a fact that I am not.
Please, Father, come save me through this window of thought.