Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beautiful Dream.

As I approach my last few months of highschool, I reminisce on this past year and believe it to be only a beautiful dream. It seems surreal that the comfort of home will soon vanish as I will move away to an alienated place called college. When I try to envision myself graduating in less than 6 weeks, I can't because it seems as though time has beat me. With my two hazel eyes, I see time taunting me. I begin to reflect on my highschool life and begin to wish that I could stop the clock of life and live in a pure timeless month of accompishing everything I had envisioned for myself. However, this task is unrealistic.
With everything I have, I will make these last six weeks of highschool more than just a beautiful dream. The clock is ticking and the memories to come are endless.
While I am both frightened and excited for the future, I am reminding myself that this last month and a half is time that I will never be able to travel back to.
Here is to the laughter, tears, late night studying, and joy that will become all but a dream.

Window of Thought

There are days when I stare out the window and I am not aware of it.
Looking out into the busy street, the eyes do not see.
If someone I knew walked by and waved, I would not know.
The window serves as a home to thought. My mind wanders, my feet do not.
I am left here to ponder the days ahead of me.
The mundane earth seems detached from my fingertips.
As I gaze into nothingness, there is no stream of consciousness.
Instead, I seek the pureness of solitude and disconnection from the entire world.
My mind wanders, my feet do not.
The window I stare out separates me from a charismatic life.
Inside my window of thought, my mind is lost.
I want to be free but it is a fact that I am not.
Please, Father, come save me through this window of thought.