Friday, September 7, 2012

Vous etes mon coeur.

Simplistic words within our lives can have such a deeper meaning. Whether they become our philosophy or encouragement, the power of words can lead us through our darkest and greatest moments of life.

Vous etes mon coeur. From the tongue, the words are romantic and beautiful. Language may differentiate us, but the realization of their powerful impact on our fellow brothers and sisters ignites a desire in us to learn about other cultures and unravel words that are only an enigma to us. When we translate, our hearts suddenly realize that those words aren't as simplistic as we thought. Enigmatic they may be at first, but if we dig a little deeper, we will find the truest meaning of all.

You are my heart. Now translated, we realize there could be endless meanings. While language differentiates us, we can come to realization that we all share a common love. Our hearts, our love, our mission, our words create life. Are they simplistic? No. But what we do with them can turn something enigmatic into something beautiful.